Family histories, articles, descendant tables and other descriptions of a number
of Danish and Norwegian families. Let your mouse take a trip in the world's most compact ancestor
tree in the upper left corner of this page or proceed to a
written version.
Perhaps the most talented Danish painter ever to visit the Danish
West Indies (now US Virgin Islands). Enjoy the biography, an extensive gallery of this brilliant
impressionist's paintings and drawings and more.
Silhouettes were widely used for portraits during several generations before
the photographies took over. In the hand of a master, they are small pieces of art. It is less known that
they can also be used as genealogical sources.
A number of people related to my interests deserve
more fame than they receive elsewhere.
I take a particular interest in genealogy of this area, e.g. related to the works by Svein Tore Dahl and Kĺre Hasselberg.
I have made a small guide to making photographies of paintings. Among other subjects you may find a few thoughts about webdesign, a collection of links and antilinks, and a feedback form.
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